Handling devices and means of transportation

Handling devices and means of transportation

ROMCONTROL has a long experience and qualified inspectors for various activities in the field of handling and transporting goods.Starting from monitoring operating times of the equipment used, to handling of goods and up to inspecting the cleanliness of the means of transportation and their tightness, to prevent the contamination of goods during transport, ROMCONTROL provides a wide range of specific services for the activities of goods handling.Additionally, our inspectors also provide the inspection and assessment of damages to goods, following traffic incidents.

The main services we offer are:

  • Monitoring operating times of the goods handling equipment
  • Inspecting the state of the means of transportation before loading goods:the state of cars, wagons, bins and river- and sea-borne means of transportation, tightness of transport containers, state of transport containers, state of cleanliness of the means of transportation.
  • Inspecting the cargo securing of goods upon loading on flat-rack, open-top –type containers
  • Assessing damages to goods, occurred during transportation, following traffic incidents