Certifications under the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approval

Certifications under the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) approval

ROMCONTROL is the only UL authorized contractor for Romania – “the UL approval being one of the most valuable and widely recognized evidence of conformity with Canadian and American (USA) security regulations for goods”

All Romanian manufacturers who are authorized to use the UL approval are visited by our inspectors to check the permanent conformity to the “Follow up Service” procedures and to the “UL standards for UL-agreed categories of products”.

UL inspectors within ROMCONTROL perform the following checks:

  • Inspection upon start of manufacturing for a new, UL (IPI)-approved product
  • Regular inspections for products being manufactured
  • Checking the products’ conformity to the applicable procedure (FUS)
  • The UL inspectors from ROMCONTROL also carry out activities of:
  • Inspecting the Factory in the “Pre-License” stage as per Permanent Document CIG 023;

Inspecting the Factory in the “Routine” stage as per Permanent Document CIG 023; These inspections are based on the requirements listed in the Permanent Document CIG 023